Chapter 3 Read by Example

Reading should be a part of our daily lives. We need to value reading and serve as models to our students and colleagues. Reading can look different to all of us. Some of us need total silence where others can read with every noise and distraction known to man. What we model as a reader will become a part of the culture of our school. We need to share what we are reading we can do this through book clubs, a digital log, Twitter, Displays, Professional libraries and blogs.
This looks different to our different grade levels we teach. My kindergarteners aren't going to read my tweets, but they ask and listen to what we recommend. They are passionate about their books. My fourth graders want to know what is the easiest books for tests or what is a chapter book that I enjoyed in a specific genre. There is a wide span as our students grow in reading. It is up to us to work with the teachers and support them as we build a district of readers.
So my question to you is in two parts: 1. What is the best book you have read lately? and 2. How do you model your love of reading? Tweet your answers using the hashtags #wcedchat and #leadwithliteracy.
Lately, I read the book, Wonder. It's for younger kids, but I wanted to read what my granddaughter was reading. After reading it, we watched the movie and compared it. I love that I was able to share this with her. She learned the love of reading while at Webster and then it kept growing in each building that she went to. I love doing booktalks and reading books to my first and second graders. This helps them understand that I love books and reading and it helps them learn to love it also.